Okay so before we proceed further i am sorry for running the image of horses and elephants through your mind.Oh yes ! horse radish has nothing to with the horses it has to do with humans. In fact , quite ironically this ingredient acts a poison for horses.

What Is Horseradish ?

To put it in very simple terms to clarify to Indian readers-it is basically a exotically grown radish.It has stronger pungent smell,its more citric and consequently more effective.It is used extensively in sauces, spreads and as spices.As an ingredient it gives out a sour taste to the dish.Mostly popular in western nations it is making its way extensively throughout the world because of the medicinal benefits that flow from it.This root vegetable is very strong in its flavors and odor, consequently difficult to consume raw.It is therefore used in combinations.The most popular being with mustard. However,it is anyways available as sauce and now also comes in fancy flavors like beetroot horseradish sauce etc.

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Benefits of Horseradish

  1. Increases Immunity-The concentration of Vitamin-C in horse radish is considerably high.This aids the production of white blood cells thus, enhancing the immune system.It has also been found helpful in preventing cancer.
  2. Enhances Metabolism-Various chemicals in horseradish in their various combination display anti-oxidant qualities.This aids digestion of food.Horseradish acts as panacea for those with slow-bowel syndrome (complicated stage of constipation).
  3. Super Effective Weight Loss Aid –This horseradish powder can be used with other ingredients to form a paste.This paste can be eaten basically swallowed in the morning with warm water for great results.Here is how you can make this paste- Take 125 gm horseradish powder and grind it with 3 tbs honey,3 tbs ginger and 3 unpeeled and seedless lemons.Refrigerate the paste and consume with warm water every morning.

here are images of Horseradish powder packet I own.Its available only on Amazon as of now with shipping to India.

LINK- https://www.amazon.com/Spicely-Organic-Horseradish-Powder-Compact/dp/B00A3803TW?th=1

NOTE: The usage of horseradish for weight loss should be done under an expertise.It has unique qualities which may suit you or god forbid! harm you.Use under a supervision after consulting a doctor.It in certain cases lead to problems as acidity etc.

Article by: sandeep garg

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